Training your Spirit, Mind and Body!


On this course you will learn how to effectively manage your personal finances in the short term and also to plan for your future. We address the age old questions of, how much do we make, how much do we spend and how much do we save? You will also learn proven methods to increase your earning potential, decrease expenditure and save more for your future.


Sign up today and let one of our trained Task Managers help you reach your goals. Our lessons are ONLY $10 per session. Each lesson is a 30 minute interactive personal session with our Task Manager. Our Task Manager will help you navigate your success.

MODULE 1 - Money Problems Why Do I Struggle With Money Issues?

Budgeting involves understanding how much money you earn and spend over a period of time. This can sometimes seem like a daunting and time consuming project however the first lessons dives right into common problems and misconceptions associated with financial planning. Students are given real life scenarios to assess what type of spender they are and are provided with practical guidance to set goals and to implement changes.

MODULE 2 - Where Am I Financially?

The Cash Tracker, Household Budgeting Software, is a vital tool in order to keep on top of your personal finances and plan for both the short and long term. Here students are taken through a step by step guide explaining how to use and personalise the cash tracker template. Alongside this the bank tracker template is introduced to assess current assets, savings, loans and debts.

MODULE 3 - Planning For The Future

Here we start the process of turning your goals and dreams into a definitive plan. Continuing on from lesson 2, the templates are used to map your income and plan for the future. Students learn how to comprehensively plan for future costs from analysing historical bank statements, identifying fixed and variable costs and dealing with shortfalls. Our expert lecturers offer hints and tips to get the most accurate picture as possible.


MODULE 4 - How Do I Get There?

In this lesson students are provided with detailed techniques to cut costs based on the do's and don'ts of professional money managers. We also explore practical examples of how to increase income and manage your tax position. Debt and the associated complications are explored in detail and practical advice is given on how to consolidate debt and avoid wastage.

MODULE 5 - The Journey Begins

In this lesson the final tools required towards a successful financial future are provided. The "cash is king" theory is defined and practical steps are shown to assist in getting ahead of the curve. We understand that the results and effects of implementing budgets will not be seen on day 1 so we show how to track against budgets and understand what the variance means for you. Finally we look at being tax efficient and most importantly making your extra cash work for you.